My Leo never checks texts when we’re out to dinner…#ILoveMyLeo
Great New Years Eve proposal idea from The Knot! Make two time capsules. Put souvenirs and snapshots from your relationship into the capsule for 2015. Put only a ring box with a dazzling Leo Diamond into the second, signifying a new beginning in all senses of the word.
Today is “National No Brainer Day!” Compare the brightness of a conventional diamond to a Leo Diamond and you’ll instantly see the difference for yourself. See…no brainer!
A gorgeous Leo Diamond is a more romantic way of saying, “It looks like you’re suffering from a lack of Vitamin Me.”
The Leo Diamond: Scientifically proven to shine so brightly that the facets and fire distract her when you change the channel from her favorite housewives to your favorite sports team….
“Like” if he finally put a Leo on it!
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